
Lead Lists Are Dead Find New Leads In Your Local Market With These Methods

So you have been generating leads from the internet, calling the prospects that visit your capture pages...But while that's happening, what are you doing to generate leads outside of the cyber world?When I began my network marketing business, for the first couple months, I was active in weekly calls, three way calls, e-mail marketing, webinars...the kind of suport required for a fast start-up. All of it was sell, sell, sell.I made some prospect conversions, built a grasp of the information and learned to explain my opportunity to anyone - and I did to the extent that I scared lots of people away..Someone in my upline recommended I should start buying lead lists. That created a few customers, but I didn't get any sign-ups to my MLM opportunity. My conlcusion? Lead lists suck!You buy alleged hot lists of people who "just signed up"... you just get dial-toned by folks who aren't interested...who have already been called by other suckers who purchased the same leads.Lead lists have dies. If you hung up on repeatedly, you can have them. I loaded another nail tips of the MLM CD sets, trying to cheer myself up...And I came across a couple simple ideas...It was divinely provided. I needed something simple, non-confrontational and replicatealbe. There it was...Drop cards!Something that you can do any time... anywhere you could possibly conceal a piece of paper!Now, not just any drop card, rather something to grab attention! Something that appears to be real money!Would you pay attention to seeing a hundred dollar bill laying on the ground, or ?Yeah, you'd pick it up!Ok, it cost me a few bucks to get some drop cards, but not much compared to hosting a meeting at a hotel, creating flyers, burning promo CD's, putting flyers in the local papers and they were more cost efficient.And, with them I was able to start prospecting while I was doing my normal daily .Sending back movies to Netflix... I put a drop card in the envelope with the DVD. Would you guess the gal opening the mail at near minimum wage would like to Leaving them in the newspapers at Starbucks.Inside books and magazines I look through at the store.How much did that just cost me? They were dropped during my regular daily routine, and I simply used an opportunity to do some stealthy prospecting along the way.Instead of vomiting my MLM on an unsuspecting soul, I set a quiet prospecting trap to introduce an opportunity.How about CD's?No doubt you've had people bring you a CD before and beg you to watch it. Where is that CD? Probably inside the case still.But, what what about a generic CD, do it?Possiblity to the recipient listening to it? Slim... but, What if you gave the barista in the drive thru $5 towards the coffee of the person behind you and asked them to hand the drive the CD?Good chance they will pop that CD in!Same deal at the fast food drive thru, the toll both, the parking garage... The people that look at the drop cards and call you are Pre-qualified. They found you!Marketing does not need to be expensive or complex.Get in touch to see what car led lights you've been missing.Warren SmithGet Ahead In Life Marketing Group406-490-255mlmgrowthexplosion.comYou can generate more leads, more frequently within your budget by reading this buildonabudget.mlmgrowthexplosion.com

