
Managing the Cost of Family Holidays

Family Holidays are an important part of RC Air Swimmers family bonding, but the soaring costs may be enough to cause the most congenial family to want to split up and run in four directions this next holiday season. In April, 2008, the Daily Express ran a story by Louise Barnett that families would have to face the prospect of finding an additional 700 to pay for their summer holidays! With the worsening economic situation throughout 2009, it seems logical that not only would this still be of concern, but the amount may have increased!Europe still remains the most popular place for British tourists to take their breaks. Are there deals that can soften the blow? Two areas where people can help protect their pocket book are in shopping for the best exchange rates before leaving home, and by establishing the very cheapest way of accessing extra money abroad. Barnett's article quotes Mark Nancarrow, managing director of financial services at Thomas Cook, as saying holidays in Europe can still be great value. "We need to keep it in context because European destinations are still generally better value than RC Air Swimmers home," Mr. Nancarrow is reported to have said. The Association of British Travel Agents comes on record in the same article as saying it was unlikely holidaymakers would abandon trips to Europe in droves, making it a very good idea for the family to check with a good travel agent for deals in Europe. Planning holidays Air Swimmers ahead with no real feeling for what their cost position is going to be has some families wondering if the total cost for their holiday will exceed that magic number of 2500. By doing proper research and asking questions, families can establish for themselves if any surcharges or hidden costs relating to either Euro exchange or surcharges are in play. As important as every penny is these days, families must do the homework, or run the risk of overextending their holiday budgets. European family holidays may still be their best bet, next to taking their holiday at home.

